Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Need a Break

I've got way too much to do, so I decided to take a break and tell you what I would rather be doing. The windjammer Angelique is where I'd love to be just now.

Outside my office window traffic wails by. My inbox currently consist of an entire office to overflowing. The checkbook needs balancing. The laundry cries foul. Heaven only knows what's for supper tonight or what time it will be.

I need Maine. I need the Angelique. Aboard is peace and serenity that knows no equal. If you ever want a vacation where the only thing you need worry about is when the cook's mate will ring the bell for food, this is your trip. We sailed for the first time last year as a graduation trip for Bill. We are going back this fall. The first of our cool weather trips to see if we are made of the right stuff to be true Mainers.

The days start gently. No clocks, no noise; just the faint stirrings as others around you come to life. Then there are the smells from Debbie's amazing galley. Warm blueberry pancakes calling your name. Sausage beckoning you topside. There is plenty of time to warm your hands around a thick mug of peppermint tea and visit before breakfast. Your fellow sailors become new friends as you share your stories in hush tones sitting on the bowsprit in the early morning fog. A moon jellyfish lazes by just under the surface of water still as glass.

Soon the real excitement starts. There are anchors to heave, sails to raise as Dennis calls out, "ready on the peak, ready on the throat". We answer timidly, "ready on the peak?, ready on the throat?" By day three we shout in answer to Dennis' call, "READY ON THE PEAK!, READY ON THE THROAT!" On day one we were land lubbers, now we are sailors raising a blood red mainsail to greet the first gentle breeze of the day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Detour or Signpost

I almost bought a flower shop this week. It was 70 mile south of home and a yet a very good deal with lots of potential. My daughter was to be the brawn & I would supply the cash & the brains. We could probably have made a go of it. But I declined because after all what do I know about running a florist shop & isn't my goal to move 1300 miles north, not 70 miles south?

My DH said he was hoping I wouldn't ask for his input on the idea. But I did and took his concerns into account as well as my own. He's since had more to say about it than anyone I could ever imagine who didn't want to comment. But he's got me thinking. Could I do this? Sure I could. Could I do it in Maine? Sure I could. And since we're going together could he do it with me (which is latest input on the idea)? Of course he could. In fact what a wonderful idea for an adventure together.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

And So It Begins

Well everyone else is doing it so why not me. That statement never worked for me as a teenager, but now I'm not up to mischief, or am I?