Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Detour or Signpost

I almost bought a flower shop this week. It was 70 mile south of home and a yet a very good deal with lots of potential. My daughter was to be the brawn & I would supply the cash & the brains. We could probably have made a go of it. But I declined because after all what do I know about running a florist shop & isn't my goal to move 1300 miles north, not 70 miles south?

My DH said he was hoping I wouldn't ask for his input on the idea. But I did and took his concerns into account as well as my own. He's since had more to say about it than anyone I could ever imagine who didn't want to comment. But he's got me thinking. Could I do this? Sure I could. Could I do it in Maine? Sure I could. And since we're going together could he do it with me (which is latest input on the idea)? Of course he could. In fact what a wonderful idea for an adventure together.